Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's been awhile...

So I haven't written here in awhile and I'll try and catch you up on what's been going on. Work has been great--I love the people I work with and I'm not sure I could ask for much more. Secret Santa is currently going on in the office and I am pimping my Secret Santa out. It's pretty awesome. This week will be many festivities pertaining to Christmas, which is also a lot of fun and I really can't wait. I love it!

My semester has ended and it feels AMAZING. I was getting so sick of the classes, so it's nice to not be too busy right now and to be moving on. I like that feeling and I'm excited for the moving on part. However, it's always a little bit disheartening to know that with each semester passed, you're getting older. Not to say that my old age of 22 is anything too painful, but sometimes I play the numbers game, ya know? My age is completely irrelevant to anything, but still sometimes I just don't like the idea of getting older. Complex? Maybe, but oh well.

I can't believe that there are only 12 days left until Christmas and I have not finished shopping. I bought some pretty sweet gifts so far, but there is still much shopping to be done. The mall that I went to today was insanity. Pure and utter chaos and almost annoying. I feel as though shopping around Christmas ruins the Christmas cheery feeling that you're supposed to have, because you're too busy cutting cars off in the parking lot, fumbling through racks of clothing to find your size medium shirt and hearing about the break-ins of cars around the holidays. It really sucks that things like that need to happen.

Currently, the thought of going back to RI for the holidays is awesome. I love living in Connecticut now, but RI is just so Christmas. It's what I relate to when I think about Christmas and think about all of the great things we do around Christmas. I'm really, really looking forward to the girls' Christmas party this year, as it's always something that brings old friends back together. Unfortunately this year we will be down a participant or two.

I'm dying to have an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party but I'm thinking it may need to be post-Christmas. I need to consider the details a bit more and then figure out whether or not it could happen.

Have a great weekend!