Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hot Damn!

Welp, I haven't done this in quite some time!

Well, I have a bunch of interesting stories that have happened over the last month or so...not sure where to begin. First of all, I must first and foremost say how much I love work parties. That's right, I said it. I.LOVE.WORK.PARTIES. What could possibly be better than enjoying beverages with people that you feel as though you live with (and suffer with) day in and day out? Not too much. I also love Christmas. Or do we call it "the holidays" now to be PC? Well, whatever it is they are calling it these days, I love that, also. When you smush the two together, you get the infamous (and I really do mean infamous) Work Holiday (Christmas) Party. Above all, what I love even MORE than the Work Holiday Party is the OPEN BAR at the Work Holiday Party. Not only can the open bar element be amazingly fun and exciting (and really bring out peoples' true colors!), it can be terrifyingly dangerous, especially when two co-workers find themselves in one of their apartments afterwards....together. May I offer you one piece of advice: do not shit in your own nest. No, you did not misread that. Do not shit in your own nest. Hooking up with a co-worker, in my case, we'll call him Luke, is never a good idea. Correction: it SEEMS like a GREAT idea, but it really isn't. However, let it stand that you do learn some pretty interesting things about people from seeing the way they live in their apartments (i.e. no cups to drink out of, but instead a 2-liter empty Fanta bottle that is constantly filled up with water and put bedside for the mid-sleep parching that happens...and no, this is NOT an exaggeration AT ALL. When asking for a cup for water, I was either offered some water from the Fanta bottle or he would hold my hair back so I could drink straight from the kitchen faucet...I chose to die of thirst). And let me also state that he is not as barbaric as he sounds, although lately we have not been getting along, but nonetheless it's a great story and will be an excellent chapter in the book.

The Holidays were fabulous! Went back to my parents' house in Rhode Island and spent about 10 or so days there with family and friends. For the first time, I spent most nights staying in with my family than going out with friends, and I must say, I truly enjoyed it. Granted, I was reading students' college applications and essays which is half of the reason I was staying in and the other half was out of pure laziness. Spending time with the family is always quality.

Holy crap it's already February. Some exciting things coming up a.k.a. SPAIN in exactly one month from today! Ayiyi (haha, just getting ready), I need to purchase the plane ticket and save moolah. I expect the trip to be nothing short of phenomenal and I'm really ready to go because CT gets old after a few minutes.

I think I have more stories and will post them later when I think of them. In the meantime, have a fantastic evening.