Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long Awaited Return?

Yes, yes...I'm back by popular demand...well, sort of. Granted, there are probably only like, 5 people who read this and 1 or 2 that read it religiously and even then I think it's a stretch.

Nonetheless, I am back and jonesin' more than ever. I just kind of wanted to use the word 'jonesin' because I've never really used it before. I am, however, jonesin' for a passion fruit vodka and cran right about now, and in my neck of the hood, on Tuesday's it's "Two Dollar Tuesday's" a.k.a. almost every drink you can imagine (especially at my favorite watering hole in CT) for a mere $2.00. TALK...ABOUT...A...DEAL! Sadly, I'm missing this weekly occasion this Tuesday and, quite frankly, I believe I've been missing it too much lately. I mean, how can you pass up a deal so great as the one that is placed in front of me each and every Tuesday night. Just a thought but now I'm going to move on because it's going to get me even more engulfed in the idea of how much my life has evolved in one year. Oh, and not to mention, one of my favorite co-workers is at my favorite watering hole right now as I just found out through a text message, which makes me even more upset because he's a riot.

Moving on, this post is going to be a lot of random thought. Sometimes I wish I could write in that fluid, creative style that is just random thoughts with no punctuation, no transitions, nothing. The name of this particular style of writing escapes me at the current moment, but I wish I could write like that. I have a bunch of stuff I wanted to cover in this post, but I'm not so sure it'll happen.

So I think it's actually been a couple of weeks since I've written, but as they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder", so I'm hoping that's what you're feeling right now. I promise I'll have a lot more to say in future. In the meantime, be sure to check out John Mayer's blog because it's amazingly profound and I need to meet him (www.johnmayer.com/blog), Angelina Jolie's photo spread in the November issue of W Magazine and The Office this Thursday night at 9pm, I believe.

Keep it classy*

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